Is Your Baby Ready For Potty Training?

· potty training pants

Is potty training on your mind? From the day a child arrives in the parent's lives, they start to envision everything in the near and distant future. From their first birthday celebration to their college graduation, parents begin to imagine every milestone of their baby in their heads! But, one of those significant milestones your toddler will achieve that you will be waiting for the first 2+ years of their lives is potty training! This article by SuperBottoms – India's no. 1 bestselling brand of cloth diapers, trusted by over 20+ lakh parents, will help you understand when is the right time to start potty training and what accessories you will need to begin this journey.

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Signs That Your Toddler Is Ready For Potty Training

The transition from cloth diapers to potty training pants, the beginning of the potty training phase, is not as difficult as one might assume. There is no right age when it comes to toilet training. Each child is ready at their own pace and time. However, if your baby is slowing all or most of the symptoms mentioned below, it is time for you to invest in good-quality padded underwear and start your child's potty training process.

  • The poop time of your baby is mostly predictable. Some kids poop first thing in the morning, as most adults do, but some poop after a particular meal. Your child will also have this pattern when ready for potty training.
  • Your toddler can pull up and down the baby training pants independently without help.
  • Your baby has started showing interest and curiosity in using the washroom when they see other adults use a toilet to pee and poop.
  • Your baby understands the difference between a wet diaper and a dry diaper.
  • Your baby can communicate their basic needs like hunger, thirst, dirty diaper etc in words or sign language.
  • Your baby gets happy when you praise them and their accomplishments and wants to do things to please the parents or get their praise.
  • If being in a dirty or wet diaper irritates your baby, and they ask you to change their diaper.

When your child shows most or all of the above signs, it is time for you to put them in their reusable diaper pants and start making them sit on the potty chair or toilet seat! Here are the essential accessories you will need for your baby's potty training

  1. Excellent quality padded underwear by a trusted brand of baby bumwear
  2. A potty chair or a toilet seat attachment
  3. Faucet extender or the gentle flow faucet attachment for babies
  4. A book for reading while on the seat
  5. Clothes that are easy to wear and remove for the baby independently
  6. Step stool, if the potty seat is higher for your baby to climb
  7. Some fun handwash or soaps to make washing hands fun

Please remember that forcing your child to potty train will not get you any success. Be gentle, praise their every successful attempt, and ignore any accidental pee and poop. Happy Parenting! Happy Cloth Diapering!